
A Methodology to Estimate Ores Work Index Values, Using Miduk Copper Mine Sample

دوره 46، شماره 2، اسفند 2012، صفحه 133-140
Mohammad Noaparast؛ S Rahmati؛ Golnaz Jozanikohan؛ S. Aslani؛ A. Ghorbani


A method to determine the ball filling, in Miduk copper concentrator SAG mill

دوره 46، شماره 1، شهریور 2012، صفحه 15-19
Ali Kamali Moaveni؛ Mohammad Noaparast؛ Bahram Rezai


An investigation of the corrosive wear of steel balls in grinding of sulphide ores

دوره 49، شماره 1، شهریور 2015، صفحه 83-91
Asghar Azizi؛ Seid Ziaoddin Shafaei؛ Mohammad Noaparast؛ Mohammad Karamoozian


Application of gravity separators for enrichment of South Chah-Palang tungsten ore

دوره 50، شماره 1، شهریور 2016، صفحه 1-12
Hamid Hedayati Sarab-shahrak؛ Mohammad Noaparast؛ Sied Ziaedin Shafaei Tonkaboni؛ Sied Mehdi Hosseini


A Study on the Recovery of Titanium Dioxide from a Blast Furnace Slag, Using Roasting and Acid Leaching

دوره 53، شماره 2، اسفند 2019، صفحه 175-181
mohsen fattahpour؛ Mohammad Noaparast؛ Ziaedine Shafaei؛ Golnaz Jozanikohan؛ Mehdi Gharabaghi


Bioleaching of a low grade sphalerite concentrate produced from flotation tailings

دوره 50، شماره 2، اسفند 2016، صفحه 169-173
Javad vazife Mehrabani؛ Seyyed Ziaadin Shafaei؛ Mohammad Noaparast؛ Mohammad Mousavi


Coal Recycling from Tailings using Flotation with 2-Level Experimental Design Techniques

دوره 46، شماره 1، شهریور 2012، صفحه 1-13
Sajjad Jannesar Malakooti؛ Amin Joudaki؛ Sied Ziaedin Shafaei؛ Mohammad Noaparast؛ Soheila Aslani؛ Golnaz Jozanikohan؛ Ali Ghorbani


Investigating the effects of particle size and dosage of talc nanoparticles as a novel solid collector in quartz flotation

دوره 53، شماره 1، شهریور 2019، صفحه 1-6
Abdolmotaleb Hajati؛ Ziaedine Shafaei؛ Mohammad Noaparast؛ Saeed Farrokhpay؛ Soheila Aslani


Kinetics of chalcopyrite galvanic leaching using sulfate media at the low temperature in the GalvanoxTM process

دوره 50، شماره 2، اسفند 2016، صفحه 157-161
Soghra Salehi؛ Mohammad Noaparast؛ Seyed Ziaodin Shafaie


Mixed moderate thermophilic bioleaching of Cu, Mo and Re from molybdenite concentrate: effects of silver ion, medium and energy sources

دوره 51، شماره 2، اسفند 2017، صفحه 151-159
Hadi Abdollahi؛ Sied Ziaeddin Shafaei؛ Mohammad Noaparast؛ Zahra Manafi


Recent developments in configuration design and optimization of mineral separation circuits; A Review

دوره 53، شماره 1، شهریور 2019، صفحه 51-61
vahid radmehr؛ Ziaedine Shafaei؛ Mohammad Noaparast؛ Hadi Abdollahi


Selective precipitation of iron from multi-element PLS produced by atmospheric leaching of Ni-Co bearing laterite

دوره 56، شماره 4، اسفند 2022، صفحه 309-313
Marzieh Hosseini Nasab؛ Mohammad Noaparast؛ Hadi Abdollahi


The effect of chemical composition and burning temperature on pellet quality

دوره 54، شماره 1، شهریور 2020، صفحه 27-32
Aref Sardari؛ Eskandar Keshavarz Alamdari؛ Mohammad Noaparast؛ Ziaedine Shafaei


The Effect of Different Additives and Medium on the Bioleaching of Molybdenite for Cu and Mo Extraction Using Mix Mesophilic Microorganism

دوره 47، شماره 1، شهریور 2013، صفحه 61-80
Hadi Abdollahi؛ Ziaedine Shafaei؛ Mohammad Noaparast؛ Z. Manafi؛ N. Aslan؛ A. Akcil


The effect of high voltage electric pulse on the coarse particle flotation of sulfur-bearing iron ore samples

دوره 57، شماره 3، آذر 2023، صفحه 315-321
Vahid Soltanmohammadi؛ Mohammad Noaparast؛ Soheila Aslani


The effect of inorganic acids on reducing iron impurities during iron-rich laterite ore leaching

دوره 55، شماره 2، اسفند 2021، صفحه 191-199
Marzieh Hosseini Nasab؛ Mohammad Noaparast؛ Hadi Abdollahi


The Effects of Ore Properties on the Characterization of Suspension in Settling and Compression

دوره 48، شماره 1، شهریور 2014، صفحه 101-114
Majid Unesi؛ Mohammad Noaparast؛ Sied Ziaedin Shafaei؛ Esmaeil Jorjani


The Modeling and Optimization of Titanium Dioxide Extraction, Case study: The Slag Sample of Blast Furnace

دوره 55، شماره 1، شهریور 2021، صفحه 91-96
Mohsen Fattahpour؛ Mohammad Noaparast؛ Ziaedine Shafaei؛ Golnaz Jozanikohan؛ Mehdi Gharabaghi


The role of catalyst in the passivation of chalcopyrite during leaching

دوره 51، شماره 1، شهریور 2017، صفحه 91-96
SOGHRA SALEHI؛ mohammad noaparast؛ seied ziaodin shafaie

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