
An Efficiency-CentredHierarchicalMethod toAssess Performance of WastewaterTreatment Plants

صفحه 1-8
Z. Chen؛ T. Zayed؛ A. Qasem


Assessing theValue ofUrbanGreen Spaces inMitigatingMulti-SeasonalUrban Heat usingMODISLand SurfaceTemperature (LST) andLandsat 8 data

صفحه 9-18
J.O. Odindi؛ V. Bangamwabo؛ O. Mutanga


Utilization of ZeroValent Iron (ZVI) Particles Produced fromSteel Industry Waste for In-Situ Remediation ofGroundWaterContaminated withOrgano- Chlorine PesticideHeptachlor

صفحه 19-26
R. Mukherjee؛ A. Sinha؛ Y. Lama؛ V. Kumar


Measuring SocialPreferences forRural Development in Southern Europe

صفحه 27-34
M. Domínguez-Torreiro؛ M. Soliño


The Effects ofCuO and ZnO Nanoparticles on Survival, Reproduction, Absorption,Overweight, andAccumulation in Eisenia fetida Earthworm Tissues in Two Substrates

صفحه 35-42
I. Alahdadi؛ F. Behboudi


Thermodynamics ofCu2+Adsorption on soilHumin

صفحه 43-52
C.L. Li؛ S. Wang؛ F. Ji؛ J.J. Zhang؛ L.C. Wang


Using the Copse snail Arianta arbustorum (Linnaeus) to Detect Repellent Compounds and theQuality ofwoodVinegar

صفحه 53-60
M. Hagner؛ E. Kuoppala؛ L. Fagernäs؛ K. Tiilikkala؛ H. Setälä


ThermoeconomicAnalysis andMulti-ObjectiveOptimization of a LiBr-Water Absorption Refrigeration System

صفحه 61-68
M. Abbaspour؛ A.R. Saraei


Multi-objectiveWaste LoadAllocation in RiverSystembyMOPSOAlgorithm

صفحه 69-76
E. Feizi Ashtiani؛ M.H. Niksokhan؛ M. Ardestani


Modeling and Performance Evaluation of a full scale Petrochemical WastewaterTreatment Process

صفحه 77-84
M.A. Morales-Mora؛ J.L. Paredes؛ J.A. Montes deOca؛ V.X. Mendoza-Escamilla؛ S.A. Martínez-Delgadillo


Potential use of Foundry Sand as Heterogeneous Catalyst in Solar Photo- Fenton Degradation ofHerbicide Isoproturon

صفحه 85-92
M. Kaur؛ A. Verma؛ H. Rajput


Experimental Design for Removal of Fe(II) and Zn(II) Ions by Different Lactic Acid Bacteria Biomasses

صفحه 93-100
A. Sofu؛ E. Sayilgan؛ G. Guney


ANovelMethod for Ultra Trace Measurement of Bentazon Based on Nanocomposite Electrode and Continuous Coulometric FFTCyclicVoltammetry

صفحه 101-108
P. Norouzi؛ B. Larijani؛ F. Faridbod؛ G.R. Ganjali


Accumulation ofAluminiumby Plants Exposed toNano- andMicrosized Particles of Al2O3

صفحه 109-116
M. Asztemborska؛ R. Steborowski؛ J. Kowalska؛ G. Bystrzejewska-Piotrowska


Climatology ofCyclones and TheirTracking over Southern Coasts ofCaspian Sea

صفحه 117-132
M. Molanejad؛ M. Soltani؛ A. Ranjbar SaadatAbadi؛ C.A. Babu؛ M. Sohrabi؛ M.V. Martin


Life Cycle Assessment of Phosphorus Sources from Phosphate ore and urban sinks:Sewage Sludge and MSWIncineration fly ash

صفحه 133-140
Y. Kalmykova؛ U. Palme؛ S. Yu؛ K. Karlfeldt Fedje


The Role ofAlien Polychaetes along theAlexandria Coast, Egypt

صفحه 141-150
M.M. Dorgham؛ R. Hamdy


Environmental Education in Iranian school Curriculum,Acontent analyses of Social Studies and science textbooks

صفحه 151-156
B. Salmani؛ R. Hakimzadeh؛ M. Asgari؛ S.A. Khaleghinezhad


Biodegradation of Poly(ester urethane)s by Bacillus subtilis

صفحه 157-162
A. Nakkabi؛ M. Sadiki؛ M. Fahim؛ N. Ittobane؛ S. IbnsoudaKoraichi؛ H. Barkai؛ S. El abed


Comparative Baseline Levels of Heavy Metals and Histopathological Notes in Fish Fromtwo Coastal Ecosystems of South-West of Spain

صفحه 163-178
M.D. Galindo-Riaño؛ M. Oliva؛ J.A. Jurado؛ D. Sales؛ M.D. Granado-Castro؛ F. López-Aguayo


Sources, Vertical Fluxes and Accumulation of Petroleum Hydrocarbons in Sediments from the Mandovi Estuary, west Coast of India

صفحه 179-186
S. Veerasingam؛ P. Vethamony؛ P. Vethamony؛ R. Mani Murali؛ M.T. Babu


Leaching ofMetals, Organic Carbon and Nutrients fromMunicipalWaste under Semi-Arid Conditions

صفحه 187-196
H. Iqbal؛ M. Anwar Baig؛ M. Usman Hanif؛ S. Usman Ali؛ M. Flury


FiniteAnalyticMethods for Simulation ofAdvection-Dominated and Pure Advection SoluteTransportWith Reaction in PorousMedia

صفحه 197-204
M. Ardestani؛ M.S. Sabahi؛ H. Montazeri


Bioaccumulation of Lead, Cadmium and Mercury in Roe Deer and Wild Boars from Areas with Different Levels of Toxic Metal Pollution

صفحه 205-212
M. Durkalec؛ J. Szkoda؛ R. Kolacz؛ S. Opalinski؛ A. Nawrocka؛ J. Zmudzki


Characterization andmetals fractionation of street dust samples fromTehran, Iran

صفحه 213-224
M. Salmanzadeh؛ M. Saeedi؛ L.Y. Li؛ Gh. Nabi-Bidhendi


Efficacy of Lignocellulolytic Fungi on the Biodegradation of Paddy Straw

صفحه 225-232
J. Viji؛ P. Neelanarayanan


DeterminingOptimalGrowth Conditions for theHighest BiomassMicroalgae Species inLithuanian Part of theCuronianLagoon for furtherCultivation

صفحه 233-246
O. Anne؛ D. Bugajev؛ J. Koreiviene


Solid Phase Extraction of Some Lanthanide Ions by Functionalized SBA-15 fromEnvironmental Samples

صفحه 247-254
A. Kavosi؛ F. Faridbod؛ M.R. Ganjali


Influence The USE of Pesticides in The Quality of Surface and Groundwater Located IN Irrigated Areas of Jaguaribe, Ceara, Brazil

صفحه 255-262
M.A.L. Milhome؛ P.L.R. Sousa؛ F.A.F. Lima؛ R.F. Nascimento


MicrobiologicalAssessment of the BiofilterMatrixWithin a Biofiltration systemTreating Borehole water in KwaZulu-Natal (SouthAfrica)

صفحه 263-272
L.S. Beukes؛ S. Schmidt


Biodegradation ofPolybrominated DiphenylEthers inLiquidMedia and Sewage Sludge by Trametes versicolor

صفحه 273-280
M. Vilaplana؛ C.E. Rodríguez-Rodríguez؛ E. Barón؛ M. Gorga؛ M. Sarrà؛ G. Caminal؛ E. Eljarrat؛ D. Barceló


AgriculturalLand Conversion in Northwest Iran

صفحه 281-290
A.A. Barati؛ A. Asadi؛ K. Kalantari؛ H. Azadi؛ F. Witlox


Study of SoilPollutants inOmdurman IndustrialArea, Sudan, Using X-ray Fluorescence Technique

صفحه 291-294
I.H. Ali؛ A.A. Ateeg


Observing Urban SoilPollution UsingMagnetic Susceptibility

صفحه 295-302
A. Aydin؛ E. Akyol


Rehabilitation ofAbandoned open Excavation forBeneficial use of the pit Lake at Nyala Magnesite Mine

صفحه 303-308
S.E. Mhlongo؛ F. Amponsah-Dacosta


PhytoremeDiation ofHeavyMetalsContaminated Environments: Screening forNativeAccumulatorPlants inZanjan-Iran

صفحه 309-316
G. Saba؛ A.H. Parizanganeh؛ A. Zamani؛ J. Saba


Application of Modified Clays in Geosynthetic Clay Liners for Containment of Petroleum Contaminated Sites

صفحه 317-322
S. Gitipour؛ M.A. Hosseinpour؛ N. Heidarzadeh؛ P. Yousefi؛ A. Fathollahi


TemporalTrends ofMetal Extractability in Calcareous soilsAffected by Soil Constituents andMetal Contamination Levels

صفحه 323-332
A. de Santiago-Martín؛ J.R. Quintana؛ I. Valverde-Asenjo؛ A.L. Lafuente؛ C. González-Huecas


All Solid State Graphene Based Potentiometric Sensors forMonitoring of Mercury Ions inWasteWater Samples

صفحه 333-340
M.R. Ganjali؛ F. Faridbod؛ N. Davarkhah؛ S.J. Shahtaheri؛ P. Norouzi


Deoxygenation andReaeration Coupled hybridMixing cells Based Pollutant Transport Model to Assess water Quality Status of a River

صفحه 341-350
M.V. Kumarasamy


ANewMethod forZoning ofCoastalBarriersbased onHydro-geomorphological andClimateCriteria

صفحه 351-362
E. Sánchez-Badorrey؛ I. Jalón-Rojas


Photocatalytic Removal of O- Nitro Phenol fromWastewater by Novel an Eco-friendlyMagneticNanoadsorbent

صفحه 363-372
D.S. Shirsath؛ V.S. Shrivastava


Investigating NaturalPhysicalAdsorption ofOilContent byMangroves, A field-scale study

صفحه 373-384
S. Partani؛ R. Ghiassi؛ A. Khodadadi Darban؛ M. Saeedi


An IndexApproach toMetallic Pollution in RiverWaters

صفحه 385-394
T. Nasrabadi


Effects ofWaste Lime Sludge on Nitrogen Dynamics and Stability ofMixed Organic waste UsingRotary DrumComposter

صفحه 395-404
V.S. Varma؛ K. Ramu؛ A.S. Kalamdhad

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