
Evaluation of Effectiveness of Domestic Wastewater Treatment by Infiltration Through Sand and Pozzolana in PVC Columns

صفحه 515-522
A. Bori Akadar؛ M. Bourioug؛ N. Mohamed؛ B. Alaoui-Sossé؛ E. Cavalli


Periphyton Responses to non-point Pollution in Eutrophic-Humic Environments: An Experimental Study

صفحه 523-530
C. Vilches؛ A. Giorgi؛ M.C. Rodriguez Castro؛ M.A. Casco


Diversity and Distribution of Microphytes and Macrophytes in Artificial Irrigation Ponds in a Semi-Arid Mediterranean Region (SE Spain)

صفحه 531-542
A.D. Asencio


Sources of Cu, V, Cd, Cr, Mn, Zn, Co, Ni, Pb, Ca and Fe in Soil of Aradkooh Landfill

صفحه 543-550
F. Salehi؛ M.A. Abdoli؛ M. Baghdadi


Multi-Criteria Decision Modeling for Environmental Assessment. An Estimation of Total Economic Value in Protected Natural Areas

صفحه 551-560
A. Hernández؛ R. Caballero؛ M.A. León؛ M. Casas؛ V.E. Pérez؛ C.L. Silva


Bioremediation of Pulp and Paper mill Effluent by Dominant Aboriginal Microbes and Their Consortium

صفحه 561-568
S. Tyagi؛ V. Kumar؛ J. Singh؛ P. Teotia؛ S. Bisht؛ S. Sharma


Selenium Content in Selected Organs of Roe Deer (Capreolus capreolus) as a Criterion to Evaluate Environmental Abundance of this Element in Poland

صفحه 569-576
E. Nowakowska؛ B. Pilarczyk؛ R. Pilarczyk؛ A. Tomza-Marciniak؛ M. Bąkowska


Soil Water Availability and the Renewal of Oak Forest Stands in a Coastal Mediterranean Area: an Experimental Study

صفحه 577-582
V. Moretti؛ L. Salvati


Measurement of Extremely Low Frequent Magnetic Induction in Residential Buildings

صفحه 583-590
B.S. Maluckov؛ V. Tasić؛ S. Alagić؛ S. Mladenović؛ J.T. Pejković؛ M.K. Radović؛ C.A. Maluckov


Calibration of Hydrodynamic Modeling in Western Part of Johor Strait, Malaysia

صفحه 591-600
Z. Kazemi؛ N.B. Hashim؛ H. Aslani؛ Z. Liu؛ P.M. Craig؛ D.H. Chung؛ M. Ismail


Adsorption of Ni(II) by Exiguobacterium sp. 27 and Polyaniline Nanoparticles

صفحه 601-612
R.A. Amer؛ M.E. Ossman؛ H.S. Hassan؛ H. Ghozlan؛ S.A. Sabry


Study of the Performance of Nitrilotriacetic Acid and Ethylenediiminopropanedioic Acid as Alternative Biodegradable Chelating Agents for Pulp Bleaching

صفحه 613-620
I.F.F. Neto؛ I.S.S. Pinto؛ M.T. Barros؛ C.D. Maycock؛ H.M.V.M. Soares


An Optimized Integrated Process for the Bioleaching of a Spent Refinery Processing Catalysts

صفحه 621-634
Z. Noori Felegari؛ B. Nematdoust Haghi؛ Gh. Amoabediny؛ S.M. Mousavi؛ M. Amouei Torkmahalleh


Environmental Orientation as a Determinant of Innovation Performance in Young SMEs

صفحه 635-642
F.J. Sáez-Martínez؛ C. Díaz-García؛ A. González-Moreno


Probabilistic Risk Assessment of Consumer Exposure to Particle-Bound PAHs at a Taiwanese Night Market

صفحه 643-652
S.C. Chen؛ S.Z. You؛ I.Y. Chang


Determination of Optimum Exposure Time and pH for dye Adsorption using an Adsorbent made of Sewage Sludge

صفحه 653-658
A. Biati؛ S.M. Khezri؛ A. Mohammadi Bidokhti


Rock Magnetic Characterisation of Tropical Soils From Southern India: Implications to Pedogenesis and Soil Erosion

صفحه 659-670
A.L. Ananthapadmanabha؛ R. Shankar؛ K. Sandeep


The Trophic State of Patagonian Argentinean Lakes and its Relationship with Depth Distribution in Sediment Phosphorus

صفحه 671-686
P. Temporetti؛ G. Beamud؛ E. Pedrozo


Peat Water Treatment using Chitosan-Silica Composite as an Adsorbent

صفحه 687-710
M.A. Zulfikar؛ H. Setiyanto؛ D. Wahyuningrum؛ R.R. Mukti


Trace Metal Concentrations in Size-Fractionated Urban Atmospheric Particles of Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

صفحه 711-718
J. Sulejmanović؛ T. Muhić-Šarac؛ M. Memić؛ A. Gambaro؛ A. Selović


Treatment of Toxic Organics in Industrial Wastewater using Activated Sludge Process

صفحه 719-726
S. Jilani؛ M.A. Khan


Effectiveness of Crude Biosurfactant Mixture for Enhanced Biodegradation of Hydrocarbon Contaminated Soil in Slurry Reactor

صفحه 727-732
R. Trejo-Castillo؛ M.A. Martínez-Trujillo؛ M. García-Rivero


Variable Exposure and Responses to Cyanotoxins in Cattle Grazing on Pastures in the Coastal Zone of the Baltic Sea: A field Study

صفحه 733-740
M. Manubolu؛ S. Eklund؛ P.C. Dutta؛ F. Malmlöf


Removal of Heavy Metal by Nickel Oxide Nano Powder

صفحه 741-750
M. Abd El fatah؛ M.E. Ossman


Physicochemical Characteristics of Fine Ambient Aerosol from Quasi-Rural Area in Southern Poland

صفحه 751-764
W. Rogula-Kozłowska؛ B. Błaszczak؛ P. Rogula-Kopiec؛ K. Klejnowski؛ B. Mathews؛ S. Szopa


Trends Analysis of Ecological Environment Security Based on DPSIR Model in the Coastal zone: A survey study in Tianjin, China

صفحه 765-778
C. Shao؛ Y. Guan؛ C. Chu؛ R. Shi؛ M. Ju؛ J. Shi


Three Dimensional Numerical Modeling of Oil Spill Behavior in Marine Environment

صفحه 779-788
K. Aghajanloo؛ M.D. Pirooz


Application of Nanofiltration and Reverse Osmosis for Tanning Wastewater

صفحه 789-798
B. Kiril Mert؛ K. Kestioglu


Application of Response Surface Methodology (RSM) for Culture Conditions and Biomass Production of Psychrophilic Microalgae Isolated from High Mountains Lake During the ice-free Season

صفحه 799-812
L. Andrade؛ J. González-López؛ M. Fenice؛ M.V. Martínez-Toledo؛ C. Pesciaroli؛ P. Maza-Márquez؛ B. Juárez-Jiménez


Persian Gulf is a Bioresource of Potent L-Asparaginase Producing Bacteria: Isolation & Molecular Differentiating

صفحه 813-818
F. Izadpanah Qeshmi؛ S. Javadpour؛ K. Malekzadeh؛ S. Tamadoni Jahromi؛ M. Rahimzadeh


Linear Free Energy Relationship Analysis of Chlorinated Hydrocarbons in Cement Slurries

صفحه 819-830
B.M. Jung؛ B. Batchelor؛ J.Y. Park؛ A. Abdel-Wahab


What to do to Improve our Eco-Innovative Aptitudes? An Empirical Study on the Variables Affecting the Environmental Awareness of Firms While Innovating

صفحه 831-838
A. Peiró-Signes؛ M. Segarra-Oña؛ J. Mondéjar-Jiménez


Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons Levels in Sediment, Benthic, Benthopelagic and Pelagic Fish Species from the Persian Gulf

صفحه 839-848
F. Abdolahpur Monikh؛ M. Hosseini؛ J. Kazemzadeh Khoei؛ A.F. Ghasemi


Spatial Decision Analysis on Wetlands Restoration in the Lower Reaches of Songhua River (LRSR), Northeast China, Based on Remote Sensing and GIS

صفحه 849-860
Z.Y. Dong؛ Z.M. Wang؛ D.W. Liu؛ K.S. Song؛ L. Li؛ C.Y. Ren؛ M.M. Jia

سامانه مدیریت نشریات علمی. قدرت گرفته از سیناوب