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10. Contemplating the Legitimacy of Using Drones in Armed Conflict under International Humanitarian Law
- 11.
- Unveiling the progress of technology in the 21st century has resulted to unveiling another form of bird military weapons that Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (hereinafter UAVs or drones) are a clear example. Owing to the fact that manipulating this type of airborne system has generated to considerable controversies from the perspective of international Humanitarian Law (hereinafter IHL), independent legal assessment of the issue seems necessary. Before investigating this issue, it is essential to be familiar with this system and explore those challenges arising from their employment in armed conflicts. The present paper, through proposing the existing ambiguities and challenges emerging from employing these systems in armed conflicts, is attemptingto assess the performance of UAVs in armed conflict under IHL's basic regulations as principles of Distinction, Proportionality and taking precautions in attack.
- Key Words: Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, International Humanitarian Law, Distinction Principle, Proportionality Principle, Precautionary Principle.
E. Website