
Geotechnical Considerations for End-Use of Old Municipal Solid Waste Landfills

صفحه 573-584
P. Hyun Il؛ P. Borinara؛ K.D. Hong


Mercury(II) Adsorption onto the Magnesium Oxide Impregnated Volcanic Ash Soil Derived Ceramic from Aqueous Phase

صفحه 585-594
J.N. Bhakta؛ Y. Munekage


Spatial Distribution of Solutes in Aquifer Outcrop Zones along the Brazos River, East-Central Texas

صفحه 595-602
P.F. Hudak


Environmental Cost of Groundwater: A contingent Valuation Approach

صفحه 603-612
J.M. Martínez-Paz؛ A. Perni


cological Study on Digestive and Bladder Cancer in Relation to the Level of Trihalomethanes in Drinking Water

صفحه 613-620
A. Llopis-González؛ S. Sagrado-Vives؛ N. Gimeno-Clemente؛ V. Yusà-Pelecha؛ P. Martí-Requena؛ L. Monforte-Monleón؛ M. Morales-Suárez-Varela


Surface Methane Emission in a Former Dumpsite in Tijuana, Mexico

صفحه 621-626
E.C. Nava-Martinez؛ E. Garcia-Flores؛ F.T. Wakida


Impact of Arsenic Contaminated Irrigation Water in Food Chain: An Overview From Bangladesh

صفحه 627-638
D.A. Ahsan؛ T.A. Del Valls


Operational Predictive Model for a Municipal Waste Incinerator: A Spanish Case Study

صفحه 639-650
L. Jimenez؛ J.M. Mateo؛ I. Lopez-Arevalo؛ M.T. Oms


Shift in Phytoplankton Community Structure in a Tropical Marine Reserve Before and After a Major oil Spill Event

صفحه 651-660
A.V. Hallare؛ K.J.A. Lasafin؛ J.R. Magallanes


Temporal Evaluation of Biochemical Properties in Chemically Amended Wastewater Derived Biosolids

صفحه 661-672
A.A. Khurram


The Potential for Direct Application of Papermill Sludge to Land: A greenhouse study

صفحه 673-680
M. Norris؛ L.W. Titshall


Improved Analytical Extraction and Clean-up Techniques for the Determination of PAHs in Contaminated Soil Samples

صفحه 681-690
T. Oluseyi؛ K. Olayinka؛ B. Alo؛ R.M. Smith


Impact of a Mixed “Industrial and Domestic” Wastewater Effluent on the Southern Coastal Sediments of Sfax (Tunisia) in the Mediterranean Sea

صفحه 691-704
B. Houda؛ G. Dorra؛ A. Chafai؛ A. Emna؛ M. Khaled


Future Projections of Urban Waste Flows aand their Impacts in African Metropolises Cities

صفحه 705-724
R. Oyoo؛ R. Leemans؛ A.P.J. Mol


Removal of Lead and Cadmium Ions From Aqueous Solutions Using Dried Marine Green Macroalga (Caulerpa racemosa)

صفحه 725-732
A.V. Dekhil؛ Y. Hannachi؛ A. Ghorbel؛ T. Boubaker


Chemical Fractionation of Trace Metals in Sewage Water – Irrigated Soils

صفحه 733-744
A. Haruna؛ A. Uzairu؛ G.F.S. Harrison


ICadmium Accumulation and Histological Lesion in Mosquitofish (Gambusia affinis) tissues Following Acute and Chronic Exposure

صفحه 745-756
A. Annabi؛ I. Messaoudi؛ A. Kerkeni؛ Kh. Said


Mercury Bioaccumulation in Some Commercially Valuable Marine Organisms from Mosa Bay, Persian Gulf

صفحه 757-762
M.S. Mortazavi؛ S. Sharifian


Effects of Daphnia magna fed with B group vitamins-enriched Chlorella sp. and Scenedesmus obliquus on the growth rate of Rutilus frisii kutum fry

صفحه 763-768
M. Fallahi؛ G. Azari Takami؛ G.H. Vossoughi؛ A. Mashinchian؛ N. Mehdipour


Performance of Kriging and EWPM for Relative Air Pollution Exposure Risk Assessment

صفحه 769-778
B. Zou؛ F.B. Zhan؛ Y. Zeng؛ Ch. Yorke؛ X. Liu


A performance Study of Simultaneous Microbial Removal of NO and SO2 in a Biotrickling-Filter Under Anaerobic Condition

صفحه 779-786
Y. Han؛ W. Zhang؛ J. Xu


Cost-benefit Analysis and Payments For Watershed-scale Wetland Rehabilitation: A Case Study in Shandong Province, China

صفحه 787-796
L. Lei؛ L. Jian؛ W. Yutao؛ W. Nvjie؛ W. Renqing


Copper and Nickel Recovery from Electroplating Sludge by the Process of Acid-leaching and Electro-depositing

صفحه 797-804
P.P. Li؛ C.S. Peng؛ F.M. Li؛ S.X. Song؛ A.O. Juan


Study on the Transport of Sediment Oxygen Demand -Related OrganicMatter in Bottom Sediment System

صفحه 805-812
J. Lee؛ H. Zhang؛ Y. Liu؛ X. Liu؛ G. Miao


Thermal Effect on Pollutant Dispersion in an Urban Street Canyon

صفحه 813-820
P. Wang؛ D. Zhao؛ W. Wang؛ H. Mu؛ G. Cai؛ C. Liao

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