الف) مقالات
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- جلالی، محمد و سودبر، سوگل (1399). تأثیر دیوان اروپایی حقوق بشر در نظام حقوق داخلی دولتهای اروپایی. مطالعات حقوق تطبیقی، 11(1)، 59-79.
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- انگلیسی
- A) Books
- Buyse, A., & Hamilton, M. (2011). Transnational Jurisprudence and the ECHR: Justice, Politics and Rights. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Christoffersen, J. & Rask Madsen, M. (2011). The European Court of Human Rights between Law and Politics. New York: Oxford University Press.
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- Viven Stern, B. (2007). Alternatives to the death penalty: the problems with life imprisonment, speech to the Second World Congress against the Death Penalty. Montreal, 6 October 2004, published by Penal Reform Briefing, No 1.
- B) Articles
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- Gumboh, Esther (2017). A Critical Analysis of Life Imprisonment in Malaw. Journal of African Law, 61( 3), 443 – 466.
- Stone Sweet, A. (2012). The European Convention on Human Rights and National Constitutional Reordering. Cardozo Law Review, 33(5), 1859-1868.
- C) Cases
- Ireland v. United Kingdom, 18-1-1978, n. 5310-71.
- Kafkaris v. Cyprus, 12-2-2008 (A), n. 21906-04.
- Kudla v. Poland, 26-10-2000, n. 30210-96.
- Mayeka and Mitunga v. Belgium, 12-10-1989, n. 13178-03.
- Öcalan v. Turkey, 18-3-2014 (A), n. 10464-07.
- Saadi v. Italy, 28-2-2008 (B), n. 37201-06.
- Selmouni v. France, 28-7-1999, n. 25803-94.
- Streicher v. Germany, 10-2-2009, n. 40384-04.
- Törköly v. Hungary, 5-4-2011, n. 4413-06.
- Trabelsi v. Belgium, 7-10-2014 (B), n. 140-10.
- Vinter and Others v. United Kingdom, 17-1-2012, n. 66069-09.
- Vinter and Others v. United Kingdom, Grand Chamber, 9-7-2013, n. 3869-10.
- Viola v. Italy, 13-6-2019, n. 77633-16.
- ایتالیایی
- Libri
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- B) Articoli
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