الف) فارسی
- کتابها
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- مقالات
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ب) انگلیسی
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- B) Articles
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- D) Reports
- Alsabeehg, Zeineb & Kuzmova, Yoana, (2022), Report on Citizenship Law: United Arab Emirates, Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies in collaboration with Edinburgh University Law School.
- Athayi, Abdullah, (2017), Report on Citizenship Law: Afghanistan, Global Citizenship Observatory (GLOBALCIT), Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies in collaboration with Edinburgh University Law School.
- Frost, Lillian, (2022), Report on Citizenship Law: Jordan, Global Citizenship Observatory (GLOBALCIT), Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies in collaboration with Edinburgh University Law School.
- Mafiwasta, (2009), Country Shadow Report: The United Arab Emirates, UN Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women.
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- Max Planck Institute, (2005), Family Structures and Family Law in Afghanistan-A Report of the Fact-Finding Mission to Afghanistan.
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- E) Websites
- Al Agati, Mohamed, (2012), Women and Equal Citizenship: Analysis of the New Constitution of Egypt, International Peace Institute, available at: https://www.ipinst.org/images/pdfs/women-and-constitution-egypt-english3.pdf
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