- مقالات
- تقیپور، بهرام؛ عباسی، مهدی؛ مهدویپور، اعظم و ابراهیمی، محمدتقی (1398). راهکارهای حقوقی- اخلاقی مقابله با فساد در انعقاد قراردادهای تجاری بینالمللی. پژوهشهای اخلاقی، 10(1)، 87-110.
- قاسمی، غلامعلی (1395). تدابیر بازدارنده علیه مفاسد اقتصادی در پرتو کنوانسیون مبارزه با فساد و مقررات ایران. حقوق تطبیقی، 106، 147-170.
- میرفخرایی، محمدجواد (1370). مسئولیت مدنی داوران، مطالعهای تطبیقی همراه با پیشنهادهای اصلاحی. مجلۀ حقوقی مرکز حقوقی بینالمللی ریاست جمهوری، 10(14 و 15).
- نوری یوشانلوئی، جعفر و شاهمرادی، عصمت (1396). آثار حقوقی فساد بر قراردادهای نفت و گاز. مطالعات حقوق انرژی، 5، 115-133.
- انگلیسی
- A) Books
- Born, G. (2014). International Commercial Arbitration (Second Edition), Kluwer Law International.
- Kaj, H. (2011). International Commercial Arbitration in Sweden. Oxford University Press.
- Mujic, E. (2011). Master's Thesis in International Process Law, International Commercial Arbitration. Corruption in International Commercial Arbitration: The Right of the Arbitrator to Conduct Self-Initiated Investigation of Corruption’
- Persson, M. (2017). Master's Thesis in International Process Law, International Commercial Arbitration, ‘Enforcement of Annulled Arbitral Awards A Study on the Enforcement of Annulled Foreign Arbitral Awards under the 1958 New York Convention from a Swedish Perspective’, Uppsala University.
- B) Articles
- Baizeau. D & Hayes & Tessa Hayes, (2017). The Arbitral Tribunal’s Duty and Power to Address Corruption Sua Sponte. Kluwer Law International 225
- Bernard, H. (2014). The Law Applicable to Arbitrability. Singapore Academy of Law Journal, 26.
- Foustoucos, A. C. (1988). Conditions Required for the Validity of an Arbitration Agreement. J. Int'l Arb., 5, 113.
- Gillis Wetter, J (1994). Issues of Corruption before International Arbitral Tribunals: The Authentic Text and True Meaning of Judge Gunnar Lagergren's 1963 Award in ICC Case No. 1110. Arbitration International, 10.
- Hobér, K. (2009). In Memoriam, Gunnar Lagergren. Arbitration International, 25(4), 633-634.
- Lamm B Carolyn, Greenwald, and Young M. Kristen, (2014). Article from World Duty-Free to Metal-Tech: A Review of International Investment Treaty Arbitration Cases Involving Allegations of Corruption. ICSID Review.
- Lew JDM, Mistelis LA, & Kröll S. (2003). Comparative International Commercial Arbitration. Kluwer Law International
- Majeed, N. B. (2000). Commentary on the Hubco Judgment. Arbitration International, 16(4), 431-438.
- Raouf, M. A. (2009). How Should International Arbitrators Tackle Corruption Issues?. Foreign Investment Law Journal, 24.
- C) Cases & Documents
- ICC Award No. 1110 of 1963
- ICC Case No. 6401 (1991), Westinghouse International Projects Company et al. v. National Power Corporation
- ICC Case No 7047. (1994), Westacre (UK) v Jugoimport (Yugoslavia). .
- Nations U, ‘UNCITRAL Model Law on International Commercial Arbitration 1985, With Amendments as Adopted in 2006
- D) Websites
- <https://www.trans-lex.org/201110/_/icc-award-no-1110-of-1963-by-gunnar-lagergren-yca-1996-at-47-et-seq-/> accessed 19 October 2019.
- <https://academic.oup.com/arbitration/article-abstract/10/3/277/185386> accessed 31 March 2020.
- <https://law.justia.com/cases/federal/appellate-courts/F2/949/653/82446/> accessed 30 March 2020.
- <http://www.newyorkconvention.org/english> accessed 2 April 2020
- <https://academic.oup.com/icsidreview/article-abstract/29/2/493/681489? redirected From=fulltext> accessed 13 April 2020
- <https://www.iisd.org/itn/2010/02/10/icsid-finds-that-corruption-has-no-place-in-annulment-proceedings-2/> accessed 13 April 2020
- Wilmer hale Gary Born, ‘Bribery and an Arbitrator’s Task - Kluwer Arbitration Blog’ (Kluwer Arbitration Blog, 1 November 2011) <http://arbitrationblog. kluwerarbitration.com/2011/10/11/bribery-and-an-arbitrators-task/> accessed 3 May 2020.