الف) کتابها
- پارسانیا، نفیسه (1392)،« قواعد تفسیر کنوانسیون اروپایی حقوق بشر در پرتو رویة قضایی دیوان اروپایی حقوق بشر»، مجلة حقوقی بینالملل/49 / ص 1444-127.
- جاوید، محمدجواد (1391)، نقد مبانی فلسفة حقوق بشر، ج 1، تهران: مخاطب.
- زمانی، سید قاسم (1387)، حقوق سازمانهای بینالمللی، تهران: شهر دانش.
- ساروشی، دن (1390)، سازمانهای بینالمللی، ترجمة پوریا عسگری، چ اول. تهران: شهر دانش.
ب) مقالات
- صفارینیا، مهزاد (1398)، «نظام حقوق بشر اتحادیة اروپا؛ از نظر تا عمل»، فصلنامة مطالعات حقوق عمومی، دورة 49، ش 3 ص 879-859.
- عابدینی، عبدالله؛ روزگاری، خلیل (1393)، حقوق مسئولیت سازمانهای بینالمللی (ترجمة متن و شرح مواد طرح کمیسیون حقوق بینالملل سازمان ملل متحد)، تهران: خرسندی.
- موسوی، کاوه (1395)، «حقوق خواهان و خوانده از منظر حقوق بشر با تأکید خاص به رویة دادگاه اروپایی حقوق بشر»، مجلة حقوقی بینالملل، 55، ص 210-185.
A( Books
- Fiona Campbell-white, Property Rights: A Forgotten Issue Under The Union, in The European Union and Human Rights 249, 251 (Nanette A. Nev wahl & Allan Rosas eds.,1995),
- Piet Eeckhout (2005), External Relations of the European Union, legal and Constitutional Foundations, Oxford, New York, O.U.P.
- William A. Schabas (2016), the European Convention on Human Rights A commentary, Oxford press.
- B) Articles
- Alicia Hinare Jos parga (2006), "Bosphorus v. Ireland and the protection of Fundamental Rights in Europe and E.L.Rev @Sweet Maxwell and Contributors", P.252.
- Avstian Q by Johansen (2016), "The Bosphorus presumption Is still Alive and Kicking: The Case of Avotins v. Latvia", Scandinavia Institute of Mavritime Law, University of Oslo , pp.16-17.
- Cathryn Costello (2006),"The Bosphorus Ruling of the European Court of Human Rights: Fundamental Rights and Blured Boundaries in Europe 6 ", Human Rights law Review, 87, 88.
- Erik, Drewniak (1997), "The Bosphorus Case: The Balancing Of Property Rights In The European Community And The Public Interest In Ending The War In Bosnia", 20 Fordham International Law Journal, pp.1007-1088.
- Frank Schorkopf (2005),"The European Court of Human Rights’ Judgment in the Case of Bosphorus Hava Yollari Turizm v.Ireland", General Law Journal, Vol.06, No.09, pp.1256-1257.
- Iris, Conor (1998), “Can Two Walk Together, Except They Be Agreed?” The Relationship Between International Law and European Law: The Incorporation of United Nations Sanctions against Yugoslavia into European Community through the Perspective of the European Court of Justice, Common Market Law Review, Vol. 35, Issue 1, pp. 137-187.
- Tobiasو lock (2010), "Beyond Bosphorus: the European court of Human Rights’ case law on the Responsibility of Member States of International organizations under the European convention on Human Rights", P. 1.
- Wild Haber (2005), "The Coordination of the Protection of Fundamental Rights in Europe", Geneva & September.
- C) Internet Resources
- Bosphorus Hava Yollari Turizm v. Ireland, APP. No 45036198 (Eur.Ct.H.R.30 June 2005), available at http://cmiskp.echr.coe.int(tkp197) portal.asp? sessioned=3666597 and skin=hudoc-en and action=request.
- Gor.ZeynePELibol-Bronneke, The Bosphorus case: A Critical Analysis of The European Court of Justice and The European Court of Human Rights Decisions January 2013.P.7. available at: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/331115242.
- Katherine Kuhnert, Double Standards in European human rights protection? http://www.utrechtlawreview.org, volum 2, Issue 2 (December) 2006, pp 177-178.
- D) International Documents
- Council Regulation 990/93, Concerning Trade between the European Economic Community and The Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro), 1993 O.J(L102) 14 (EEC).
- DRS senator Lines Gm BH, [2004] ECHR (Ser.A), p.1.
- S.C.820,24,U.N.Doc S/RES/820(April 17,1993).
E( International Cases
- Biret, International SA v. Council of the European Union. Case C-93/02 P. 2003 ECR l-10497 ; Etablissments Biret & Cie SA v. Council of the European Union . Case C-94/02 P. 2003 ECR l-10565.para, 2.
- C.F.D.T v. The European Communities,[1978] ECHR (Ser.A), p.231.
- Cooperative des agriculture de La mayenne et La Cooperative Laitiere Maine-AnJou v. France (APP. No. 16931/04) (section II), 10.October.2006.
- Dufay v. The European Communities,[1989] ECHR (Ser.A), p.125 and Del lau fuente [1991].
- ECJ, Case c-84/95 Bosphorus Hava Yollari Turizm ve Ticaret As v. Minister For transport, Energy and Communications and others [1996] ECRI 3953, paras.Cooperative des agricultures de lteursa mayenne et La Cooperative laitirve Maine-AnJour France (APP. No. 16931/04) (Section II), 10.October.2006.
- Gasparini v. Italy and Belgium (APP. No.10750/03) (section II), 12.May.2009.
- KokkelvisseriJ v. Netherlands (APP.no.13645/05) (section II), 20.January.2009.
- MaC v. Federal Republic of Germany (1990) 64 D.R.138.
- Matthews v. U.K,[1999] ECHR (Ser.A), p.45.
- United Communist party et a lv. Turkey,[1998] (Ser.A) para, 29.
- Vermeulen v. Belgium (APP. No.19075/91).
- Wait and Kennedy v. Germany and Beer & Regan v. Germany, [1999] ECHR (Ser.A), p.13.
- Wait and Kennedy v. Germany and Beer and Regan v. Germany,[1999] ECTHR (Ser.A), p.3.Gasparini v. Italy and Belgium (APP no. 10750/03 (section II), 12 May,2009).