الف) کتابها
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ب) مقالات
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- محمدی، مهرداد (1392)، «ارزیابی نقض حقوق بشر در بحرین براساس هنجارهای حقوق بینالملل بشر»، فصلنامۀ پژوهشهای حقوقی، ش 24، ص 161-125.
- مهکویی، حجت؛ شعبانی، مریم؛ عباسی، علیرضا (1398)، «تحلیلی بر چالشهای شکلگرفته برای شیعیان در کشور بحرین»، فصلنامۀ برنامهریزی منطقهای، شمارۀ پیاپی 35، ص 150-137.
ج) سخنرانی در نشست علمی
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د) خبرگزاری
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- انگلیسی
- A) Books
- Aust, Helmut Philipp (2011), Complicity and the Law of State Responsibility, Cambridge University Press.
- Crawford, James (2013), State Responsibility: The General Part, Cambridge University Press.
- B) Articles
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- Joyner, Daniel (2017), “Arms Control”, in: André Nollkaemper and Ilias Plakekofalos, The Practice of Shared Responsibility in International Law, Cambridge University Press, pp. 781-797.
- Nollkaemper, André (2011), “Issues of Shared Responsibility before the International Court of Justice”, in: Evolving Principles of International Law: Studies in Honor of Karel C Wellens, by Eva Rieter and Henry de Waele (eds.), Martinus Nijhoff Publishers.
- Quigley, John (1986), “Complicity in International Law: A New Direction in the Law of State Responsibility”, British Yearbook of International Law.
- Talmon, Stefan (2008), “A Plurality of Responsible Actors: International Responsibility for Acts of the Coalition Provisional Authority in Iraq”, in: The Iraq War and International Law, Phil Shiner and Andrew Williams (eds.), Hart Publishing.
- Weir, Tony (1983), “Complex Liabilities”, in: André Tunc, International Encyclopedia of Comparative Law, vol. xi (Torts), International Association of Legal Science.
- C) Cases and Documents
- Constitution of Bahrain (2002).
- Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (1984). United Nations, Treaty Series, Vol. 1465.
- Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (1979). United Nations, Treaty Series, Vol. 1249.
- Convention on the Rights of the Child (1989). United Nations, Treaty Series, vol. 1577.
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- ICJ (2004). Legal Consequences of the Construction of a Wall in the occupied Palestinian Territory, Advisory Opinion.
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- OHCHR (2012). Universal Periodic Review, 21 Monday.
- UNGA Res. (1948). Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Res. 217 A (III).
- D) Analytical Blogpost
- Henderson, Simson (2011). “Bahrain’s Crisis: Saudi Forces Intervene”, Washington Institute for Near East Policy, March 15.