الف) کتابها
- پیران، حسین (13۹۴)، مسائل حقوقی سرمایهگذاری بینالمللی، چ دوم، تهران: گنج دانش.
ب) مقالات
- زمانی، سید قاسم؛ درونپرور، امیر (۱۳۹۴)، «پویایی مفهوم سرمایهگذاری در پرتو متدولوژیهای احراز صلاحیت ایکسید»، فصلنامة دیدگاههای حقوق قضایی، ش ۶۹، ص ۱۲۴ـ۹۷.
- محبی، محسن؛ ضیایی، یاسر (۱۳۹۱)، «صلاحیت فرا سرزمینی در حقوق بینالملل در پرتو خرق حجاب شخصیت حقوقی شرکت»، مجلة حقوقی بینالمللی، ش ۴۷، ص ۴۰ـ۱.
- مؤمنی راد، احمد؛ قاسمزاده مسلبه، مجید (۱۳۹۴)، «بحران اقتصادی جهانی، اقدامات اضطراری دولتها در مواجهه با بحران و راهکارهای حلوفصل اختلافات بینالمللی سرمایهگذاری ناشی از آن»، فصلنامة مطالعات حقوق عمومی، دانشکدة حقوق و علوم سیاسی، دورة ۴۵، ش ۱، ص ۱65ـ۱49.
- مقدم ابریشمی، علی؛ ضمامی، حامد (1397)، «نقش دکترین خرق حجاب در تعیین تابعیت سرمایهگذار خارجی در رویة داوری ایکسید»، پژوهش حقوق عمومی، ش ۶۱، سال بیستم، ص 113ـ87.
- انگلیسی
- A) Books
- Douglas, Zachary (2009), “The International Law of Investment Claims”, Cambridge University Press.
- Giovanni Zarra (2017), “Parallel Proceedings in Investment Arbitration”, The Hague, the Netherlands, Eleven International Publishing.
- Wehland, Hanno (2013),“The Coordination of Multiple Proceedings in Investment Treaty Arbitration”, Oxford University Press.
- B) Articles
- De Brabandere, Eric (2012), ‘Good Faith’, ‘Abuse of Process’ and the Initiation of Investment Treaty Claims, 3 Journal of International Dispute Settlement 609.
- Emmanuel, Gaillard (2017), “ Abuse of Process in International Arbitration“, ICSID Review - Foreign Investment Law Journal, Vol. 32, Issue 1.
- Hervé, Ascensio (2014), “Abuse of Process in International Investment Arbitration,” Chinese Journal of International Law, Vol. 13, Issue 4.
- Jakob, Schwantiz (2018), “The Abuse of Rights Doctrine in the Context of Parallel Treaty Arbitration and Corporate Restructuring”, University of Amsterdam.
- John P. Gaffney (2010), “Abuse of Process in Investment Treaty Arbitration”, Journal of World Investment & Trade, Vol. 11 No. 4.
- Kirtley, William Lawton (2009), “The Transfer of Treaty Claims and Treaty-Shopping in Investor-State Disputes”, Journal of World Investment & Trade, Vo. 10, No.3.
- Kolb, Robert (2006),”General principles of procedural law”. In: Zimmermann, Andreas, Tomuschat, Christian & Oellers-Frahm, Karin. The Statute of the International Court of Justice: a Commentary. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Lindsay, Gastrell, Paul-Jean Le Cannu (2015), “Procedural Requirements of ‘Denial-of-Benefits’ Clauses in Investment Treaties: A Review of Arbitral Decisions”, ICSID Review - Foreign Investment Law Journal, Vol. 30, Issue 1.
- Maja, Stanivukovic (2014), "Investment Arbitration: Effects of an Arbitral Award Rendered in a Related Contractual Dispute", TDM 4.
- Polonskaya, K, (2014), "Abuse of Rights: Should the Investor-State Tribunals Extend the Application of the Doctrine", LLM Graduate Thesis, University of Toronto: Faculty of Law.
- Rahim, Moloo (2011), “A Comment on the Clean Hands Doctrine in International Law“, Transnational Dispute Management, Vol. 8, Issue 1.
- Rodolf, Dolzer & Christophe Schreuer (2008), “Principles of International Investment Law”, Oxford University Press.
- Seifi, Jamal & Javadi, Kamal (2013), “The Consequences of the Clean Hands Concept in International Investment Arbitration“, Asian Yearbook of International Law, Vol.19. (printed 2017)
- Tomuschat, Christian & Oellers-Frahm, Karin (2006), “The Statute of the International Court of Justice: a Commentary”, Oxford, New York: Oxford University Press.
- Voon, Tania; Mitchell, Andrew & Munro, James (2015), Good Faith in Parallel Trade and Investment Disputes, Oxford University Press, UK.
- Zachary, Douglas (2014), "The Plea of Illegality in Investment Treaty Arbitration", ICSID Review, Vol. 29, No.1.
- C) Cases
- Ambatielos Rights of passage over Indian Territory , Barcelona Traction, Nicaragua , Border and TRansborder Armed Actions,
- Cementownia ‘Nowa Huta’ SA v Republic of Turkey, ICSID Case No ARB(AF)/06/2, Award ,17 September 2009.
- Cementownia ‘Nowa Huta’ SA v Republic of Turkey, ICSID Case No ARB(AF)/06/2, Award ,17 September 2009.
- CME Czech Rep. B.V. v. Czech Republic, UNCITRAL Rules, Partial Award of 13 September 2001.
- CME Czech Republic B.V. v. The Czech Republic, UNCITRAL, Final Award, 14 March 2003.
- CME v, Czech Republic, UNCITRAL, SCC Partial Award, 13 September 2001.
- Equatorial Guinea v.France, ICJ Case ,Judgment,11 December 2020
- Phoenix Action Ltd v Czech Republic, ICSID Case No ARB/06/5, Award ,15 April 2009.
- Rene´e Rose Levy and Gremcitel SA v Republic of Peru´, ICSID Case No ARB/11/17, Award ,9 January 2015.
- RSM Production Corporation v Grenada, ICSID Case No ARB/10/6, Award, 10 December 2010.
- RSM Production Corporation v. Saint Lucia, ICSID Case No. ARB/12/10,2012.
- TSA Spectrum de Argentina S.A. v. Argentine Republic, ICSID Case No. Arbitration /05/5, Award, 19 December 2008.
- D) Conventions /Documents
- International Law Association, Final Report on “Res Judicata and Arbitration, Berlin Conference ,2004.
- The Convention on the Settlement of Investment Disputes between States and Nationals of Other States - International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (1965).