الف) کتابها
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ب) مقالات
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- انگلیسی
- A) Books
- Cummins, Sally J, & david P. Stewart (2001), Digest of United States Practice in International Law, Washington, United States Department of States(Office of the Legal Adviser), International Law Institute.
- B) Articles
- Avilia, Dewi (2017), “Consular Assistance for Nationals Detained by a Foreign Government: States Policies and Practices”, Indonesia Law Review, Vol.7(1), pp.113-134.
- Carter, Linda E. (2003), “Compliance with ICJ Provisional Measure and the Meaning of Review and Reconsideration under the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations: Avena and Other Mexican Nationals (Mex. V. U.S.)”, Michigan Journal of International Law, Vol.25, No.1, pp.117-134.
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- Schiffman, Howard S. (2002). “The LaGrand Decision: The Evolving Legal Landscape of the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations in the U.S. Death Penalty Cases”, Santa Clara Law Review, Vol.42, No.4, pp.1099-1135.
- Tams, Christian J. (2002), “Consular Assistance: Rights, Remedies and Responsibility: Comments on the ICJ’s Judgment in the LaGrand Case”, European Journal of International Law, Vol.13, No.5, pp.1257-1259.
- Veneziano, Sabina (2019), “A Brief Criticism of the United States’ Strategic Actions in Three Pending I.C.J. Cases”, International Law and Politics Journal, Vol.51, No.2, pp.965-980.
- Zhang, Jixi (2009), “Fair Trial Rights in ICCPR”, Journal of Politics and Law, Vol.2(4), pp.39-44.
- C) Documents
- Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, Adopted at 1984, Entry into Force at 1987.
- Convention on the Rights of the Child, Adopted at 1989, Entry into Force at 1990.
- General Assembly resolution 40/144, “Declaration on the Human Rights of Individuals who are not nationals of the country in which they live”, Adopted at 13 December 1985.
- International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, Adopted at 1966, Entry into Force at 1976.
- Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, Adopted at 1998, Entry into Force at 2002.
- U.N. Doc.(1945), Statute of the International Court of Justice, Signed at 26June1945, Entered into Force at 24Oct.1945.
- U.N. Doc. CCPR/C/GC/32 (Aug. 23, 2007), “Article 14: Right to equality before courts and tribunals and to a fair trial” Human Rights Committee - Ninetieth Session: General Comment 32.
- Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 1948.
- Vienna Convention on Consular Relation, Signed At 24April 1963, Ratified At 19March 1967.
- D) Cases
- ICJ Reports(1999), Case Concerning “LaGrand”, Germany V. United State of America, Provisional Measure, 3March.
- ICJ Reports(2001), Case Concerning “LaGrand” (Germany V. US.), Judgment on Merit, 27June.
- Inter American Court of Human Rights(1999), Advisory Opinion OC-16/99 about “The Right to Information on Consular Assistance in the Framework of the Guarantees of the Due Process of Law” (Requested by United Mexican States), 1 Oct.