- مقالات
- جعفرزاده درابی، صادق و بیگزاده، ابراهیم (1398)، «تبارشناسی راهبردهای تقنینی حوزه محیطزیست، چالشها و مصادیق»، مجله مجلس و راهبرد، سال بیست و ششم، شماره 99، صفحات 305-330.
- عبدالهی، محسن؛ عباسی، اصلی (1397)، «پدیدهشناسی تکوین حقوق نرم در چهارچوب نظام هنجاری حقوق بینالملل»، مجلة تحقیقات حقوقی، ش 82، صص 107-130.
3.علیزاده مسعود (1386)، «نگاهی نو به پدیده چندپاره شدن حقوق بینالملل»، فصلنامه اطلاعرسانی حقوقی، سال ششم، شماره 12، صفحات 93-103.
- فلسفی، هدایتالله (1387)، «رویارویی عقل و واقعیت: مسئلة منابع (2)»، سالنامة ایرانی حقوق بینالملل و تطبیقی، ش 4، صص 3-36.
- گلشنی، عصمت و حسینی مدرس، سید مهدی (1394)، «مقایسه اثر مکاتب تفسیری اقتصادی و فرمالیستی بر حقوق»، دوفصلنامه دانشنامه حقوق اقتصادی، دوره جدید، سال بیست و دوم، شماره 7، صفحات 49-66.
- انگلیسی
- A) Books
- Anderson, Philip (1999), the Mariner's Guide to Marine Insurance, Nautical Institute.
- Bockenforde, Markus (2002), "the Introduction of Alien or New Species into the Sarine Environment: a Challenge for Standard Setting and Enforcement" , Marine Issues from a Scientific, Political and Legal Perspective, edited by: Peter Ehlers, Elisabeth Maan-Borgers and Rudiger Wolfrum, Leiden Netherland, Kluwer law international, first published.
- Bondansky, Daniel (2010), the Art and Craft of International Environmental Law, first published, Harvard college press.
- Bower, Adam (2017), Norms without the Great Powers International Law and Changing Social Standards in World Politics, Oxford University Press.
- Brunnée, Jutta & J. Toope, Stephen (2012), Constructivism and International Law, Cambridge University Press.
- D'aspremont, Jean (2011), "Non-State Actors from the Perspective of Legal Positivism: the Communitarian Semantics for the Secondary Rules of International Law", Participants in the International Legal System Multiple perspectives on non-state actors in international law, Edited by Jean d'Aspremont, Routledge publisher.
- de Souza, Rolim Maria Helena Fonseca (2008), the International Law on Ballast Water, Leiden Netherland, Martinus Nijhoff , first published.
- Hobe, Stephan (2005), the Role of Non-State Actors, in particular of NGOs, in Non-Contractual Law-Making and the Development of Customary International Law, the development of international law: in treaty making, springer.
- Huasheng, Hong (2006), "Integrated Coastal Zone Management, Recent Development in the Law of the Sea and China", Edited by: Myron H. Nordquist , John Norton Moore and Kuen Chen Fu, first published, Leiden Netherland, Martinus Nijhoff.
- L. A. Hart, Herbert (2012), the Concept of Law, Oxford University Press, 3ed.
- Moïse, Mbengue Makane (2011), "Non-State Actors in International Environmental Law A Rousseauist Perspective", Participants in the International Legal System Multiple perspectives on non-state actors in international law, Edited by Jean d'Aspremont, Routledge publisher.
- Oral, Nilufer (2006), Protection of Vulnerable Marine Ecosystems in Areas Beyond National Jurisdiction, "unresolved issues and new challenges to the law of the sea", edited by: Anastasia Strati, Maria Gavouneli and Nikolaos Skourtos, first published, Leiden Netherland, Martinus Nijhoff.
- Schaper Marcus (2009), "Non-State Environmental Standards as a Substitute for State Regulation?", Non-State Actors as Standard Setters, Edited by Anne Peters, Lucky Koechlin, Till Forster, and Gretta Fenner Zinkernagel, Cambridge University Press.
- Trebilcock, Anne (2018), "Why the Shift from International to Transnational Law Is Important for Labour Standards", Labour Standards in International Economic Law, editted by: Henner Gott, Springer.
- Tusikov, Natasha (2017), "Transnational Non-State Regulatory Regimes", Regulatory Theory, Edited by Peter Drahos, ANU Press.
- Wheatley, Steven (2009), "Democratic Governance Beyond the State: the Legitimacy of Non-State Actors as Standard Setters", Non-State Actors as Standard Setters, Edited by Anne Peters, Lucy Koechlin, Till Forester, and Gretta Fenner Zinkernagel, Cambridge university press.
- Z.Tamanaha, Brian (2001), a General Jurisprudence of Law and Society, Oxford University Press.
- B) Articles
- B. Korobkin, Russell (2000), "Behavioral Analysis and Legal Form: Rules vs. Standards Revisited", 79 Orlando. Law. Review, 23, pp. 23-60.
- Chul-hwan, Han (2010), "Strategies to Reduce Air Pollution in Shipping Industry", The Asian Journal of Shipping and Logistics, Vol. 26 No. 1, pp. 7-29.
- Friedrich, Rosenfeld (2014), "The Trend from Standards to Rules in International Investment Law and Its Impact uponthe Interpretive Power of Arbitral Tribunals", American Society of International Law, Vol.108, pp. 191-193.
- Gilboy, Janet (1998), "Compelled Third‐Party Participation in the Regulatory Process: Legal Duties, Culture, and Noncompliance", Law and policy Denver University, Vol. 20, Issue 2, pp. 135-155.
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- Scott, Joanne; Smith, Tristan; Rehmatulla, Nishatabbas & Milligan, Ben (2017), "The Promise and Limits of Private Standards in Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Shipping", Journal of Environmental Law, pp. 231-262.
- Sullivan, Kathleen (1993), "Foreword: The Justices of Rules and Standards", 105 Harvard. Law. Review, 22, pp. 22-124.
- Twining, William (2003), "a Post-Westphalian Concept of Law", Law and Society, Vol. 37, Issue 1, pp. 199-258.
- C) Documents
- Maritime Labor Convention, 2006, as amended at (2014), (2016) and (2018).
- Agreement on Technical Barriers to Trade, 1994.
- United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, 1982.
- OECD Recommendation of the Council on Common Approaches for Officially Supported Export Credits and Environmental and Social Due Diligence Diligence, 2012 and revised 2016.
- OIE, Resolution XXXII, Implications of private standards in international trade of animals and animal products, 76th General Session, 25–30 May 2008.
- Danish Ship owners' Association, Danish Shipping, Annual Logbook, 2016.
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