الف) کتابها
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ب) مقالات
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ج) اسناد
- بیانیههای الجزایر: بیانیة عمومی، بیانیة حلوفصل ادعاها، و سند تعهدات، 1981.
- کنوانسیون 1969 وین در خصوص حقوق معاهدات بینالمللی.
- انگلیسی
- A) Books
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- Linderfalk, Ulf (2007), On the Interpretation Treaties, Published by Springer.
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- B) Articles
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- C) Doccuments
- Statute of the International Law Commission (ILC)
D-1: Cases of Iran - United States Claims Tribunal
- IUSCT, Award No. 1-64-180
- IUSCT, Award No. 2-157-31
- IUSCT, Award No. 2-298-544
- IUSCT, Award No. 2-39-11
- IUSCT, Award No. 2-55-12
- IUSCT, Award No. 3-56-310
- IUSCT, Award No. 529-A15 (II A and II B)-FT
- IUSCT, Award No. 597-A11-FT
- IUSCT, Award No. 601-A3/A8/A9/A14/B61-FT
- IUSCT, Award No. ITL 85-B1-FT
- IUSCT, Decision No. DEC 130-A28-FT
- IUSCT, Decision No. DEC 1-A2-FT
- IUSCT, Decision No. DEC 32-A18-FT
- IUSCT, Decision No. DEC 37-A17-FT
- IUSCT, Decision No. DEC 62-A21-FT
- IUSCT, Decision No. DEC 8-A1-FT
D-2) Another Cases
- ICSID, Case No. ARB-03-20, 2006
- PCA, Ecuador v. USA, 2012
- PCA, Netherlands v. Russia, 2017
- PCA, Netherland v. France, 2004