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ب) خارجی
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ج) آرا و پروندهها
- Case of Komanicky v Slovenia, Application no.32106/962002, June 4, 2002.
- Case of Dory v. Sweden, Application no. 28394/95, November 12, 2002, para37.
- Case of Goc V. Turkey, Application no. 36590/97. July 11, 2002, Para 12.
- Case of Pretto and Others v Italy, Application no. 7984/77, December 8, 1983, para 8.
- Case of Riepan v. Austria, Application no. 35115/97, November14, 2000, Para 29.
- Case of Salamonsson v.Sweden, Application no. 38978/97, November 12, 2002, para36.
- Case of Steel and Morris v. the United Kingdom, Application no. 68416/01, February15, 2005, para 59.
- Case of Tierce and Others v. San Marino, Applications nos 24954/94, 24971/94 and24972/94- July 25, 2000, Para 93.
- Human Rights Committee, Communication no. 848 / 1999, Para.7.3.
- Humman Rights Committee General Comment 32. CCPR/C/GC/32, 23 August 2007.